process > product

Dr. Dweck, lead author of the study, claims that some of our basic beliefs about how to increase children’s self-esteem and achievement are misguided. “Praising children’s intelligence, far from boosting their self-esteem, encourages them to embrace self-defeating behaviors, such as worrying about failure and avoiding risks,” she notes. “However, when children are taught the value of concentrating, strategizing, and working hard when dealing with academic challenges, this encourages them to sustain their motivation, performance, and self-esteem.”

The studies demonstrated that children who are praised for their intelligence learn to value performance, while children praised for their effort and hard work value learning opportunities.

Labeling may be the cause of children becoming overly concerned with justifying that label and less concerned with meeting challenges that enhance their learning and mastery skills. They may begin to believe that academic setbacks indicate that they do not deserve to be labeled as gifted. The authors advise that gifted and talented programs should emphasize meeting challenges, applying effort, and searching for new learning strategies.

~ by agnesliee89 on October 2, 2008.

2 Responses to “process > product”

  1. Thank You for short lesson..miss Fong Li Ee..lolz

  2. fees??? =b
    jk lar,take care there ^^

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